Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development is a large stateowned research institute in Italy which has several key advantages. ENEA’s scientific research and technological development are carried on at its 9 Research Centers and 5 Laboratories, endowed with a wide range of expertise, advanced facilities and instruments put at the disposal of both the ENEA research programs and the Nation's scientific and entrepreneurial communities. ENEA works also as an agency in supplying support and advanced services to local and national Public Administration and enterprises in several areas. Agency’s activities are devoted to basic, mission oriented and industrial research; new technologies and advanced applications; dissemination and transfer of research results, thus promoting their exploitation for production purposes; provision for public and private bodies with high-tech services, studies, measurements, tests and assessments; training and information activities aimed at broadening sector expertise and public knowledge and awareness.

ENEA has the role of the “national agency” for energy efficiency in compliance with the EU directive 2006/32/CE on energy endues efficiency and energy services.

Since November 2013 DG ENER has given to ENEA the role of National Coordinator of Covenant of Mayors. Finally, ENEA is part of the Governmental Committee for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Green Public Procurement (GPP), led by the Italian Ministry of Environment.

As far as the LCA is concerned, ENEA conducted many projects and performed several case studies in cooperation with Industrial Consortia, National and Regional Agencies and Public Authorities.

ENEA coordinated CALCAS Coordination action for innovation in Life Cycle Analysis for Sustainability, eLCA2 project Web site and database for the adoption of IPP by SMEs; CASCADE, Cooperation and Standard for Life Cycle Assessment Data in Europe. ENEA participates to international expert working groups and network on LCA and international and national standardisation bodies (ISO and UNI). Other recent related European projects are: TyGRe, High added value materials from waste tyre gasification residues (7th Framework Programme), LAIPP (LIFE 04 ENV IT 000595), PNEUMA (LIFE 04 ENV IT 000595), SIAM (LIFE04 ENV IT 000524), Ecofatting (LIFE10 ENV/IT/364), G.EN.ESI, Green ENgineering and dESIgn project (7th Framework Programme), PODEBA (LIFE ENV/IT/365), SOREME (LIFE11 ENV/IT/109).