Work Packages

Work Plan (1st year)

CIRCULAR –TP project workplan indicates that WP3 (Multimaterial products and processes design) will be limited to the first year of CIRCULARTP.

WP4 (Upscaling material and processes) will run for the first 2 years of the project.

WP0, WP1, WP2 and WP8, which include the Go to Market Strategy and horizontal actions such as management, dissemination, IPR protection, education and professional training will run through the whole project duration. WP5, 6 and 7 will only start year 2 or 3.

Titles of above mentioned WPs with activities in the first year is provided below.

WP0: Go to market Strategy

WP1. Project Management 

WP2. Professional Development, learning and education 

WP3. Multimaterial products and processes design for circular economy

WP4. Upscaling materials and processes

WP8. IPR Management and Exploitation


Work Plan (subsequent years)

CIRCULAR –TP workplan shows that WP4 will be finished in 2020, meanwhile WP5, WP6 and WP7 will be developed during 2020-2021 (2nd & 3rd year of the project).

Titles of WP4, WP5 and WP6 is provided below:

WP5. Manufacturing of automotive multimaterial demonstrator

WP6. Validation of automotive business case

WP7. Recycling and validation of secondary business cases