Impact and benefits

This KAVA activity matches the mission and strategic objectives of the EIT RawMaterials community that aims at boosting the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector. Via innovation and entrepreneurship CIRCULAR-TP accomplish the strategic objectives of the KIC, as they are: securing raw materials supply, designing new solutions and closing material loops.

CIRCULAR-TP is focused on the Mobility market, which is one of the target sectors of focus for the KIC Raw Materials, and is well aligned with the automotive lightweighting issues, which are targeted.

CIRCULAR-TP will allow the EU automotive supply chain to strengthen its competitiveness with respect to the other regions, thanks to the use of innovative materials and technologies implemented on cars. CIRCULAR-TP fosters the potential for high value jobs creation across the EU. The turnover generated by the automotive sector represents 6.3% of EU GDP with 12.1 million people or 5.6% of the EU workforce employed in the sector. Across Europe, 292 vehicle assembly and production plants in 26 countries are delivering quality 'Made in Europe' products. CIRCULAR-TP project will maintain the growth in this strategic sector and also help sustain other sectors (railway, aircraft).